A big thank you once again to Paul and Shirley Mascard for hosting Western Region's Technical Day at Specialist Cars
and providing a barbecue lunch and refreshments throughout the day.
A fine, warm day brought some very interesting machinery in large numbers to Exeter for the event. The motor cars included several Rolls Royce models, including a 40/50 hp with interesting and unusual coachwork - more anon.
An unusual RR 40/50
The shooting brake body was taken from a Ford chassis. The RR originally had limousine coachwork, but this gave way to a pick-up - somewhat infra dignitorum! In that guise, it was bought for the crane/hoist that went with the pickup configuration and the story might have ended there, but for someone's bright idea to transfer this body from a (presumably) ailing or non-functioning Ford chassis.
I make no apology for dwelling on a few details, best viewed at full size by clicking on these thumbnail images. The last picture suggests that the present owner is a braver man than I: I should not care to try to stop such a heavy motor car without front-wheel brakes!
Meanwhile, in the workshop ...
An unusual kneeling mascot on this Silver Dawn limousine.
Introducing Jazz
And, finally ...
8 May 2016